All growing babies need formula, but not $2,000 worth of formula in 10 days. The Broward County Police arrested a 24-year-old woman for allegedly trying to steal $1,000 worth of baby food from the Publix location on Atlantic Avenue. The woman, Sheran Sheppard, had apparently been arrested for stealing $1,000 worth of baby formula from the same store 10 days previous to this incident. Nevertheless, she did not get far the second time because Publix employees detained her until the police arrived.
Sheppard will need the assistance of a Broward criminal lawyer because she has prior convictions for theft. The police arrested her in 2014 for the same type of crime in a a Home Depot store in Coral Springs. Police said that a female accomplice and three children accompanied Sheppard for that incident. Sheppard was successful with the first Publix hit, but she was not successful with the second one. Her Broward criminal lawyer will have to do quite a bit of work to keep her out of jail.
Sheppard is facing up to five years in prison and fines of up to $5,000 because she has prior convictions for the same type of charge. She is also being charged with a felony because of the amount of the merchandise that she tried to steal. Anything that has a value of more than $300 can qualify as grand theft in the state of Florida. Sheppard is facing third-degree felony charges for her incident. Without proper representation, she will find it difficult to recover from this ordeal. She will have problems finding a reliable job, and she will not be able to select the place that she wants to live. She will have to have an attorney fight for her rights and her freedom.
Hassett & Associates is a firm that can help tremendously. Kenneth Hassett has been assisting people with similar criminal charges for many years. If you or someone you know has been charged with a grand theft crime, then you will want to schedule an appointment with Mr. Hassett today. The help that he provides can make a huge difference for you or your loved one. He will fight for your innocence and negotiate for you on a conviction. Schedule a consultation today and get started.