Hassett & Associates, P.A.
Call 24/7 - (954) 791-3939 | Hablamos Español
Hassett & Associates, P.A.
Call 24/7 - (954) 791-3939 | Hablamos Español

Main Office:
6099 Stirling Road, Ste 217
Davie, FL 33314

Broward Office:
1327 SE 2nd Ave.
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316

Miami Dade Office:
By Appointment Only
Miami, FL


Pandering is the criminal act of procuring sexual favors for another person. Pandering is also the criminal equivalent of pimping, or setting up a sexual tradeoff for money or some other consideration. The escort services in Miami and Fort Lauderdale are rampant. Pandering and other related criminal violations occur in disguise as escorting or even as massaging services. The market for purchasing sex is sizable in big cities, as it is easy to get away with doing such acts in metropolitan places. This criminal conduct is even encouraged and considered by some as a part of the Miami lifestyle. Seemingly harmless and Platonic activity may even be mistaken as the criminal act of Pandering. This may have happened to you. To prove the criminal offense of Soliciting for the Purpose of Prostitution, the State Attorney must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the criminal suspect offered, offered to secure, or agreed to secure another person for the purpose of prostitution or any lewd or indecent act. “Prostitution” is the giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse for hire, which includes the giving or receiving of the body for licentious sexual intercourse without hire. “Lewdness” is the unlawful indulgence of lust signifying that form of immorality which has relation to sexual impurity. It is generally used to indicate gross indecency with respect to sexual relations. “Lewdness” is also any indecent or obscene act. The words “lewd,” “lascivious,” and “indecent” mean the same thing and mean a wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious, or sensual intention on the part of the person doing an act. “Lewd, lascivious, and indecent” are synonyms and connote wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious, or sensual design on the part of the perpetrator. “Lewd and lascivious” also mean an unlawful indulgence in lust, eager for sexual indulgence. It is not necessary that such act defined as lewd be committed in a public place or in the presence of many people. It is sufficient if it is an intentional act of lewdness, offensive to one or more persons present. To prove the crime of Maintaining a House of Prostitution, the State Attorney must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the criminal suspect kept, set up, maintained, or operated any place, structure, building, or conveyance for the purpose of lewdness, assignation, or prostitution. A “structure” is any building of any kind, either temporary or permanent, which has a roof over it and includes any closely adjoining land enclosed by a fence or wall. A “conveyance” means any motor vehicle, ship, vessel, railroad car, trailer, aircraft, or sleeping car.

If you have been charged with Pandering in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, or Miami Dade County, you should consult an experienced competent criminal defense attorney who can represent you in criminal court. Kenneth P. Hassett of Hassett and Associates, P.A. is a criminal defense attorney who represents clients in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Miami Dade County, and the rest of South Florida. Having a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in criminal court is advantageous, especially when charged with serious criminal offenses. Contact Hassett and Associates, P.A. for an immediate free consultation 24 hours per day seven days per week with a Fort Lauderdale Pandering Lawyer if you have been charged with these criminal offenses.

796.05 Deriving support from the proceeds of prostitution.

796.06 Renting space to be used for lewdness, assignation, or prostitution.

796.07 Prohibiting prostitution, etc.; evidence; penalties; definitions.


The information on this page does not represent legal advice. Florida Statues obtained from Online Sunshine, www.leg.state.fl.us, the official site of the Florida Legislature. Because the law is continually changing, some of the provisions contained herein may be out of date. It is always wise to seek counsel from an experienced criminal attorney like Kenneth Hassett.

If you have been charged as an Accessory After the Fact or a Principal in the First Degree to a criminal offense in Broward or Miami-Dade County, call Criminal Defense Attorney Kenneth P. Hassett.

Call 24/7

(954) 791-3939

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