Hassett & Associates, P.A.
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Hassett & Associates, P.A.
Call 24/7 - (954) 791-3939 | Hablamos Español

Main Office:
6099 Stirling Road, Ste 217
Davie, FL 33314

Broward Office:
1327 SE 2nd Ave.
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316

Miami Dade Office:
By Appointment Only
Miami, FL

Hit and Run

Hit and Run is the criminal act of hitting another vehicle with your own vehicle and then leaving the scene of the accident instead of stopping, pulling over, and awaiting the police. Sometimes, other motorists or pedestrians witness one vehicle committing and hit and run and then report it to the police. Other times, victims in a car crash will give chase to the fleeing vehicle and obtain the vehicles license plate or tag number. If you get caught committing a hit and run, you will definitely need a criminal defense attorney to represent you in court. The criminal violation of “Hit and Run” angers prosecutors, judges, and jury members because, as motorists, they can relate to the victims of this criminal behavior. A criminal lawyer may be the only person who can help reduce the sentence or get a dismissal of the criminal charges in a Hit and Run case. To prove the criminal offense of Hit and Run, the State Attorney must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the criminal suspect was the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash resulting in injury or death to any person, that the criminal suspect knew or should have known that he or she was involved in a crash, that the criminal suspect knew or should have known of the injury to or death of the person, and that the criminal suspect willfully failed to stop at the scene of the crash or as close to the crash as possible and remain there until he or she had given “identifying information” to the injured driver or occupant and to any police officer investigating the crash, or that the criminal suspect willfully failed to render “reasonable assistance” to the injured person if such treatment appeared to be necessary or was requested by the injured person. If the State Attorney proves that the criminal suspect willfully failed to give any part of the “identifying information” or willfully failed to give reasonable assistance, the State Attorney satisfies this element of the criminal offense. “Identifying information” means the name, address, vehicle registration number, and, if available and requested, the exhibition of the criminal suspect’s license or permit to drive. “Reasonable assistance” includes carrying or making arrangements to carry the injured person to a physician or hospital for medical treatment. “Willfully” means intentionally and purposely. If you have been charged with Hit and Run in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, or Miami Dade County, you should consult an experienced competent criminal defense attorney who can represent you in criminal court. Kenneth P. Hassett of Hassett and Associates, P.A. is a criminal defense attorney who represents clients in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Miami Dade County, and the rest of South Florida. Having a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in criminal court is advantageous, especially when charged with serious criminal offenses. Contact Hassett and Associates, P.A. for an immediate free consultation 24 hours per day seven days per week with a Fort Lauderdale Hit and Run Lawyer if you have been charged with these criminal offenses.

316.065 Crashes; reports; penalties.

316.070 Exchange of information at scene of crash.


The information on this page does not represent legal advice. Florida Statues obtained from Online Sunshine, www.leg.state.fl.us, the official site of the Florida Legislature. Because the law is continually changing, some of the provisions contained herein may be out of date. It is always wise to seek counsel from an experienced criminal attorney like Kenneth Hassett.

If you have been charged as an Accessory After the Fact or a Principal in the First Degree to a criminal offense in Broward or Miami-Dade County, call Criminal Defense Attorney Kenneth P. Hassett.

Call 24/7

(954) 791-3939

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