In a strange and disturbing tale of delayed justice, a Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO) deputy has been charged with sexual battery in connection with a case dating back two decades. The the case is even more serious when considering that the victim was a minor at the time of the alleged abuse. This defendant and others charged with the same offense face serious consequences if convicted, which is a good reason for them to seek the services of a Broward criminal defense attorney. They can find this type of help from the law office of Hassett & Associates.
The 58-year-old deputy is facing four counts of sexual battery on the alleged victim, who today is 28 years of age. She claims that she was assaulted by him a number of times between the ages of seven and 11, with the offenses occurring when the two were living together in West Palm Beach. She has alleged that, while driving her to school, he would touch her in an inappropriate manner. Additionally, he reportedly performed various sex acts with her and made her join him in the viewing of pornographic videotapes.
In one case, the alleged victim was forced to hide behind a refrigerator while naked after her mother unexpectedly returned home. She said he instructed her not to discuss any of her experiences with anyone else. Believing that the defendant was a law enforcement officer because of the uniform he wore and the vehicle he drove, she was hesitant to mention the continued assaults. According to official records, the defendant served as a BSO detention deputy for six years beginning in 2005 and, after a short period of retirement, was hired back in 2013. He has been suspended without pay.
Broward Sexual Battery Defense Attorney
In Florida, a person convicted of sexual battery with someone under the age of 12 could face a penalty of life in prison. The state has no statute of limitations in such crimes when the victim is a minor, but such time limits are in effect in the prosecution of other sex crimes. Additionally, those charged with sex offenses have other ways of defending themselves, including the claim that an encounter was consensual. However, it will take the intervention of a Broward sexual battery defense attorney to ensure that such criminal defendants receive the legal representation that they need and deserve. If you have been charged with sexual battery or any criminal offense, you should consider contacting the law firm of Hassett & Associates at 954-791-3939.